Saturday, February 12, 2011

Seven Impossible Things

Hooray for Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast, one of my very favorite children's book sites! On Sunday, some of my artwork is being featured there. If you haven't seen it yet, please click on over.

To any visitors from the site, a big welcome!

Update: click here for the feature itself.


  1. Oh my goodness you are so freakin' FANTASTIC I tell you!!!! Amazing!
    I love your site about books. I collect them and I am always looking for the beautifully written and illustrated ones. The ones that you don't find in B&N on the front shelf. This was awesome. Thanks so much for sharing your links and all. I will be going to check it out as soon as I do some work. Then I am going back to play and look around some more. Thanks for you sweet words too. You made you smile so big. Best too you. Let me know when your book comes out. I want a few copies maybe we can trade or something. I also like to support with a purchase. Royalties are wonderful thing!!!! he he he he he he

  2. Hello, fabulous you!!! I'm not surprised you collect children's books - a sense of their history shines through your work, but you've made it all very much your own. I love finding more obscure stuff, too, though I must say I've run into some beautiful titles right there on the front shelf of B&N, written and illustrated by the one and only Vanessa Newton ;) And, isn't Seven Impossible Things amazing?? Truly one of my long-time favorite sites. I will certainly let you know when my book comes out - trading would be a thrill!

  3. Oh, my! Wonderful work! The texture and color of that tutu is just fantastic and yummy. Can't wait to check out the book. You do beautiful work!

  4. Hey Ms. Wonderful,
    Thanks so much for stopping in and leaving such a sweet message for miss Zoe. You really made our day together. Thanks so much.
    Big hugs to you.

  5. Always such a pleasure to visit your site, and a special one when I get to honor your sweet girl! Big hugs back to you!

  6. Hello Carin,
    Just dropped by to say Happy Holidays to you and yours. It was such a joy and pleasure to meet up with you this year! I wish you such creative flow and joy while you work on your new book. Remember to take a moment for yourself. Wishing you much joy and happiness for 2012!

  7. Hello fabulous Vanessa,

    It was truly a joy for me, too - I only wish we lived a little closer, so I could spend more time with you in person. I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday, and a glorious 2012!!
